Let’s bring your


to the next level

virtual assistance · graphic & web design · systems

who am I?

Hey, my name is Raye.

I graduated with a business degree with a minor in systems thinking. I’m a VA and graphic & web designer with 5+ years of experience helping 6-7 figure brands and visionaries run their businesses. I live for creative bursts, intelligent designs and streamlined systems.

I absolutely love what I do and get particularly psyched to work with people who also feel that zeal. So whether you’re looking for a new sales page, looking to streamline your systems, need help with your upcoming launch or honestly anything in between, I’m here for you!

Outside of work, I spend most of my time with our 11 pets.

how can I help you?

  • Funnels and Integrations
  • Systems Building and Setting Up SOPs
  • Launch Support
  • Project Management
  • Landing and Sales Page Design
  • Squarespace websites
  • Graphic Design
  • Podcast Management
  • Course set-up & maintenance
  • Email Marketing Management
  • Data Entry and Admin Support

my client roster

In my 5+ years of experience, I have helped 15+ businesses on various projects. Here are some of my fave collaborations.

Podium Design on White Background

Dorothy Johnson

Breakup Coach

Services provided: Launch Support, Systems Building, Project Management, Email Marketing Management, Web Design, Social Media Templates, and Admin Support

Lauren Cash

Time and Efficiency Coach

Services provided: Project Management, Admin Support, Launch Support, Web Design

Lauren Cash

Nutritional Therapy

Services provided: Web Design and Social Media Templates

Sascha Jones

Anxiety Mum Coach

Services provided: Launch Support, Systems Building, Project Management, Email Marketing Management, Web Design, Social Media Templates, and Admin Support

Stephanie Griffin

Marketing Expert

Services provided: Web Design, Social Media Templates, Admin Support

other clients I’ve worked with